Honey will naturally crystalize as the temperature drops of the honey. Since the honey is removed from the hive and the bees are no longer maintaining the temperature, the process of crystalizing starts to take place. Its only a matter of time and lower than regular hive temperatures for the honey to crystalize.
Now if you are like me and want to put more on your toast without it dripping off. Then you would just leave the honey as is and spread it on the toast. Be warned the toast will warm it up and eventually some will drip off.
If you prefer liquid honey then simply bring a pot of water almost to a boil ( 110 F / 43 C). Once the water is warm remove it from the stove. You can then add the jar of honey to the water and let it sit and warm up, like a hot tub for your honey. Remember to leave the top on the jar and to not submerge it. This will gradually warm the honey back up and liquefy it once again without killing all the healthy benefits of raw natural honey.
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